I don’t really do resolutions. I don’t know that in the past I’ve ever been successful in carrying them out for more than a week or so. Last night I thought if I did do a resolution this year it would be to not plan on getting anything accomplished over Christmas Break. You should see the list I thought I could get done. But with all the go, go, go, Christmas, New Year’s, getting over all the colds/flu bugs that we caught from the go, go, go, - there’s no time to get anything else done!! Then I feel defeated. So, next year I am not planning on any other projects during break and that carries over to Spring Break as well!! Hopefully I’ll be more productive during the summer break.
So here I am, Saturday morning before break is over looking at my pile deciding what to do first. As I make the bed I tell myself how everything will be okay Monday. I’ll be back in Moses, focused, accountable, etc. But first I need to get my Sunday School lesson done. I find my spot, start w/prayer and begin to read with my coffee in hand. WOW!
My friend, Rocki, has been posting a bit about our Sunday School class and her own personal journey. It’s a small Sunday School class. Very small. Not bad small like a little church small. It’s just Rocki, Derek and I small. We had all previously read a book called Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala. And after prayer, we agreed to read it again together. Plus, this time around it has a study guide in the back.
The first time I read this book I was amazed at the power of prayer and convicted with my lack of it. This time around we have been made aware of our lack of expectant prayer. Wow! That’s really all I can say. I think I’m still in awe from last week.
So here I am, reading chapter 10 and I start to underline. I do it again and again. It appears to be a pretty good list of New Year’s Resolutions. How does HE do that???
In this chapter, Pastor Cymbala talks about cleaning house. He uses King Asa as an example. King Asa was Solomon’s great-grandson. Asa managed to “do good and right in the eyes of the LORD” even though his forefather’s had wandered from the Lord, letting idol worship run rapid as well as many other detestable things. But King Asa cleaned house, getting rid of the idols and brought the people back to the Lord, commanding them to obey His laws and commands. (2Chronicles)
Here are some things I underlined in his book:
“Rationalizing has to cease. We have to start seeing the sinful debris we hadn’t noticed before, which is what holds back the blessing of God.”
Let me write that again - Rationalizing has to cease. I am guilty as charged. How many times do I do something thinking or saying “I know this is wrong but . . . .”
“Anytime people get hungry to truly know the Lord, the Holy Spirit quickly puts a shovel and broom into their hands. Husbands and wives begin to deal with long-buried issues hurting their marriages. Adults take a closer look at their choice of TV programs and movies. Church members begin to see the damage wreaked by their gossip, their racial attitudes, their criticism.”
Pastor Cymbala then touches again on gossip and slander. Charging new members that if they ever hear another member speak an unkind word of criticism or slander against anyone to point it out. They’ll pray together so God can restore peace to the body. In his eyes, this is what most easily destroys a church.
“Rather, it is gossip and slander that grieves the Holy Spirit.”
“ . . . . . the general concern to live with clean hearts and clean speech before the Lord prevents many problems from ever getting started.”
Sometimes we make things so hard but when we do things His way it is so much easier and the Lord does prevent many problems from ever getting started! I’m thankful for this reminder today and the fact that I don’t have to wait until Monday for everything to be okay as was my thinking earlier today. And on that note, I’m thankful that w/God, we don’t really need to wait till New Year’s to start fresh!!
Here are some more of Pastor Cymbala’s thoughts:
He explains how seeking the Lord can be a challenge. Just because you’re on the right path does not keep you immune from problems. But . . . “In such a moment, seekers after God have built up a reservoir of ready faith to meet new problems.”
“When we seek God, He will bless us. But when we stop seeking Him . . . All bets are off, no matter who we are.”
Unfortunately, this happened to King Asa. Unfortunately this happens to many.
“The more we seek God, the more we see our need to seek Him.”
This is a good one: "We are always either drawing nearer to God or falling away. There is no holding pattern.”
“ . . . .who will totally and passionately seek Him, who is determined that every thought and action will be pleasing in His sight.”
“When we align ourselves with the channel of God’s living grace, all kinds of marvelous things take place. His power energizes us to face ______________ . . . . .” (You fill in the blank)
One more quote but then you’re just going to have to read the book for yourself!
“People who have a seeking heart still make mistakes. But their reaction to rebuke and correction shows the condition of that heart. It determines what God is able to do with them in the future.”
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
So here I am, Saturday morning before break is over looking at my pile deciding what to do first. As I make the bed I tell myself how everything will be okay Monday. I’ll be back in Moses, focused, accountable, etc. But first I need to get my Sunday School lesson done. I find my spot, start w/prayer and begin to read with my coffee in hand. WOW!
My friend, Rocki, has been posting a bit about our Sunday School class and her own personal journey. It’s a small Sunday School class. Very small. Not bad small like a little church small. It’s just Rocki, Derek and I small. We had all previously read a book called Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala. And after prayer, we agreed to read it again together. Plus, this time around it has a study guide in the back.
The first time I read this book I was amazed at the power of prayer and convicted with my lack of it. This time around we have been made aware of our lack of expectant prayer. Wow! That’s really all I can say. I think I’m still in awe from last week.
So here I am, reading chapter 10 and I start to underline. I do it again and again. It appears to be a pretty good list of New Year’s Resolutions. How does HE do that???
In this chapter, Pastor Cymbala talks about cleaning house. He uses King Asa as an example. King Asa was Solomon’s great-grandson. Asa managed to “do good and right in the eyes of the LORD” even though his forefather’s had wandered from the Lord, letting idol worship run rapid as well as many other detestable things. But King Asa cleaned house, getting rid of the idols and brought the people back to the Lord, commanding them to obey His laws and commands. (2Chronicles)
Here are some things I underlined in his book:
“Rationalizing has to cease. We have to start seeing the sinful debris we hadn’t noticed before, which is what holds back the blessing of God.”
Let me write that again - Rationalizing has to cease. I am guilty as charged. How many times do I do something thinking or saying “I know this is wrong but . . . .”
“Anytime people get hungry to truly know the Lord, the Holy Spirit quickly puts a shovel and broom into their hands. Husbands and wives begin to deal with long-buried issues hurting their marriages. Adults take a closer look at their choice of TV programs and movies. Church members begin to see the damage wreaked by their gossip, their racial attitudes, their criticism.”
Pastor Cymbala then touches again on gossip and slander. Charging new members that if they ever hear another member speak an unkind word of criticism or slander against anyone to point it out. They’ll pray together so God can restore peace to the body. In his eyes, this is what most easily destroys a church.
“Rather, it is gossip and slander that grieves the Holy Spirit.”
“ . . . . . the general concern to live with clean hearts and clean speech before the Lord prevents many problems from ever getting started.”
Sometimes we make things so hard but when we do things His way it is so much easier and the Lord does prevent many problems from ever getting started! I’m thankful for this reminder today and the fact that I don’t have to wait until Monday for everything to be okay as was my thinking earlier today. And on that note, I’m thankful that w/God, we don’t really need to wait till New Year’s to start fresh!!
Here are some more of Pastor Cymbala’s thoughts:
He explains how seeking the Lord can be a challenge. Just because you’re on the right path does not keep you immune from problems. But . . . “In such a moment, seekers after God have built up a reservoir of ready faith to meet new problems.”
“When we seek God, He will bless us. But when we stop seeking Him . . . All bets are off, no matter who we are.”
Unfortunately, this happened to King Asa. Unfortunately this happens to many.
“The more we seek God, the more we see our need to seek Him.”
This is a good one: "We are always either drawing nearer to God or falling away. There is no holding pattern.”
“ . . . .who will totally and passionately seek Him, who is determined that every thought and action will be pleasing in His sight.”
“When we align ourselves with the channel of God’s living grace, all kinds of marvelous things take place. His power energizes us to face ______________ . . . . .” (You fill in the blank)
One more quote but then you’re just going to have to read the book for yourself!
“People who have a seeking heart still make mistakes. But their reaction to rebuke and correction shows the condition of that heart. It determines what God is able to do with them in the future.”
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him,
in all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will make your paths straight.
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