Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Missing that Gilson

I remember a couple winters ago there was no snow. Jesse's birthday is on Dec. 9th. We had some snow right around then but by Christmas we were done. Our friends bought their kids some sleds for Christmas and they never got to use them.

That's NOT the case this year! I'm glad Jesse still likes to play outside in it. He's more into building forts and battle scenes. I actually shoveled part of his fort today. He didn't pick the best place to play the other day.

Before the tornado, we had a snow blower. Unfortunately, it did not survive. It was in the shed. For insurance reasons, I had to find out more about this inherited Gilson snow blower of ours. I found out it was really old. So old they stopped making them a LONG time ago! My first clue was when I found a website with phrases on it that said things like - "The place where the Gilson snow blower legacy lives" and "report a Gilson sighting."

We complained about this snow blower. Sometimes, it seemed as though we only made as much progress as Mr. Oblivious here:

But our Gilson was better than what we have now:
(The shovel is what I meant - the 12 yr. old isn't bad but needs an awful lot of "encouraging")

Yeah, yeah, I know we got about $30 from insurance to go towards a new snow blower but who buys a snow blower in the summer? I'm sure we put that money towards fireworks or something.

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