Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Working from home

Derek is working from home today. I think that's a blessing for many reasons. First, the weather is supposed to get bad. And, we have two unreliable vehicles right now. I blogged a bit before about what Derek used to drive (Rusty) and his current ride the GPA (Grandpa's Park Avenue).

Last week Derek started driving the van to work because he thinks one side of the GPA's breaks are going out. He had finally fixed the heat but now the breaks need help. So to be safe, I stayed home bound and he drove the van. Fine with me. I have plenty to do!

Recently, we've been noticing the coolant low light for a while in the van. When I say "noticing" I mean Derek is aware of the problem and trying this and that while hoping it will go away. I on the other hand, see the coolant low light and think it's the washer fluid. Apparently, I remember nothing from Auto Shop nor can I read and understand! Then, Saturday, the heat started acting funny, and then stopped which wasn't very funny with the freezing temps.

So Monday, Derek decided between heat and bad brakes or no heat. Since he drives all the way to South Bend for work, he went with the heat so that meant bad brakes on one side. He did make it there and back with only a few incidents - he almost went through Great-grandpa's garage door when he was dropping off Jesse in the morning on his way to work. And then on the way home, he went into a field. Luckily he just kept going and drove right out.

Needless to say, it was nice for him to stay home today!!! Here he is with his co-worker/secretary.

We got to have lunch with Dad, Joan, Christine and Brian. As I write this, they are headed to Indy to fly to Texas to celebrate Christmas with Brian's family where it is about 100 degree's. (That sounds nice right now but I wouldn't trade it for a White Christmas.)

Oh and here's a picture of Rusty. He didn't make it. He was parked the other way at the top of the driveway. The tornado blew him around and he is sitting on the phone box or some kind of utility type eye sore in the yard. His frame was broke. Poor Rusty!


Landen Gall said...

Hey Jen, I think I just missed being in that one picture at Pizza Hut.

Jen O. said...

From now on, if I know it's going into a blog - you'll definitely have to be in it!!