Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas with Dad & Joan #1

Saturday, we went to my Dad's for dinner. Joan's daughter, Christine, and friend Brian were here visiting. After dinner we went to the Mall to visit Janelle and walk around. Janelle works at The Body Shop so be sure she helps you if you go in there! Derek was actually thankful he went in there. On one of his trips, he learned how to get the perfect shave at the store, The Art of Shaving. (It's all about the prep work guys.) Anyways, they had just what he had been looking for!

Emma is going be a future shopper. She couldn't get enough of Christine! She pulled Christine through the Mall with Christine's purse on her shoulder, hand on hip and a definite swing in her walk. It was too cute!

And how about this for a big brother? How many 12 year olds would sit on a "baby ride" with their sister in the middle of a crowed mall?

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