Saturday, April 30, 2011

Jesse Marching

Okay, I think I figured it out  . . . here's Jesse Marching w/NWHS in the Maple Syrup Festival Parade.  It's not the greatest filming.  I didn't realize the sound would cut out every time I zoomed in and out (it's on the camera not video camera).  The horns were a little off.  Maybe we can all get it right before Memorial Day!


Susie said...

Good job, Jesse. You're so lucky to have your own personal cheering section!! Even in the rain they were there!!
You all look great, thanks for posting this , Jen!!! You did a great job, too!!
Now I will look at the others!!

Jen O. said...

Glad you enjoyed the clips of the kids!! It's been awhile . . . hopefully I will continue to update and check out your blog too!! You've got a cutie yourself :-) Take care and have a blessed Mother's Day!!


Sue said...

I see you are still blogging. I was checking out my blog sites and I need to get busy and get lots of stuff up! Hard to believe Jesse is in his teen years!